Imagine what your perfect day would look like. Would it be snuggling up by the fire in your winter woollies reading a good book? Would it be a hike in the mountains, breathing in the crisp fresh air? Or would it be splashing in the pool with friends and family? Would it be any day before 2020?
We all have our own visions of what a perfect day would include. For Joanie, it was clear blue skies and spending time with Azia. Azia, after all, was her best friend; a confidant who never judged her, regardless of what was happening in her life. It was on this perfect day that Jesus intervened again, like he had so many times before. She literally ran into two dear Christian friends, Dick and Gram.
The Bible talks about the perfect day in a Proverb.
But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shines more and more unto the perfect day. Proverbs 4:18 (GNV)
The proverb speaks to the gradual lighting from dawn until the fullness of day at noon, but it can also have profound meaning for us as children of God. As we walk along the path of life in the light of Jesus which is revealed to us over time, we begin to see more clearly. The Jubilee Bible gives us a clearer indication of this.
But the path of the just is as the light of the morning star, that shines more and more until the day is perfect. Proverbs 4:18 (JUB)
In his second letter, an emboldened Peter strongly encourages his readers to heed the message of the prophets, and proclaimed that they, the disciples had experienced the glory of Jesus themselves. He explains who this Morning Star is.
You must pay close attention to what they wrote, for their words are like a lamp shining in a dark place—until the Day dawns, and Christ the Morning Star shines in your hearts. 2 Peter 1:19.
So it seems a perfect day is a day where Christ, the Morning Star, shines in your heart. The more he shines, the more perfect the day. As he reveals himself, we can be a better light to those around us.
Dick and Gram were beacons of light in Joanie's life, but it took a long time for her to really see Jesus. Their patience, resilience and dedication in shining that light brought Joanie to the life changing power of Jesus. Their story emboldens me to let the Morning Star shine in my heart.
Self-isolation, social distancing, sheltering in place, sanitation and all the other precautions can be overwhelming for all of us. Darkness invades. We are created to be relational beings, and being apart is difficult and unnatural. Through technology: FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, we can reach out in unconventional ways, but don't forget convention either. Pick up a phone, send a card, do a porch visit, make a meal and take it to a shut-in. Make an effort to reach the most vulnerable around you. Show a little more of the love the perfect love of Jesus to the world around you.
Make today a perfect day. Shine!